Unraveling The Mysteries of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

        Napoléon Bonaparte said “History is a set of lies agreed upon”.

One of the most written about and agreed upon topics, is The African Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade, but it is also one of the most murky, and unclear historical accounts of ambiguity. How can a narrative; which is considered as fully factual have so many missing pieces and unanswered questions, and yet be considered a historical truth? In addition there is not a lot of substantial evidence, to verify its authenticity as a complete narrative; which means many parts of the narrative would have had to be filled with conjecture and romanticism. This type of history can easily turn into folklore, myths, and fictional fabrications, put forth as truths. In this small presentation we intend to present evidence, which would suggest that certain aspects of the Atlantic Slave Trade would have been very difficult to achieve, and even closer to being impossible; leaving one to consider, that these events did not happen in the way they were written, or, not at all. 

Click the download link below to read our E-book entitled ” Unraveling The Mysteries of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade”

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