Indian Hair

“Black People’s Hair is Kinky and Native American’s Hair is Straight”

Many people deny that the so called “African American” is indigenous to North America, due to the stereotypical phenotype of straight black hair; which has been attributed to the so called “Native American Indian” as a distinct characteristic of what describes a “Real Indian”.

The contention with this notion is that, before The Americas were invaded by the Europeans, the so called Indian was not monolithic; as it pertains to their physical characteristics. There were hundreds of tribes in the North American continent, and many of them have been described by historians as being phenotypically “Negro” with Kinky, wavy, or curly hair. Much of the precolonial Native American art prior to the 17th century depicts, and supports this idea as well.

In researching this issue, it is has been found that many of the Natives were only perceived as having straight hair; while in reality, they were using natural grease, oils, and heating combs to straighten their curly hair. This would logically explain why the Natives were given such a description. It is a fact, that when the so called “Native Americans” crossed the Bering Strait, they found an already existing people, and civilization.

And it is these people who were the first “Americans” and it is they, whom the majority of the so called African Americans take their lineage from, and not from the supposed 300,000 African slaves, who came during the Atlantic Slave Trade; although admittedly, they may have been amalgamated into the indigenous population over time.


We have compiled a beautiful slide show; which will enlighten the reader about the myth, and the misconception of “Indian Hair”. Just click the link below to view it.
